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Peyronie’s disease and Its Symptoms and Treatment

Peyronie’s disease is a condition where the contour of the member is distorted, Causing it to bend to one side or up and down when erect. It’s very Uncommon under the age of 40 and occasionally runs in families.

Some members constantly bend when erect and this is only a variation of standard. In Peyronie’s disease, the fibrous tissue of the organ becomes thickened, causing it to bend during erection. The member may bend so much that sexual intercourse is hard and distressing. Peyronie’s disease occurs in about 1 in 100 guys.

Often no cause can be identified, but preceding damage to the organ may be a risk factor. Peyronie’s disease is, in addition, linked with Dupuytren’s contracture, a condition where the fibrous tissue in the palm of the hand becomes thick and shortened, causing the fingers to bend inwards. Peyronie’s disease can run in families, which suggests that a genetic factor is included.


The symptoms of Peyronie’s disease develop gradually and include:

• curvature of the penis to one side during an erection

• pain in the dick on erection

• a thickened region in the member, generally be felt as a solid nodule when the penis is flaccid.

Eventually, the thickened area of the organ may stretch to contain parts of the erectile tissue. In this instance, Peyronie’s disease can result in impotence if it’s not treated.


Sometimes, Peyronie’s disease improves without treatment. Some surgeons excise the fibrosed tissue, others remove a wedge on the opposite side to support a straight erection. A vein spot may be added. Inferior results are generally because of disease progress or scarring. If the state is improved, the best option may be to plant a penile prosthesis.


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