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Percentage Difference

The percentage difference of two numbers is defined as the difference between the two values divided by the average of those two numbers. The number we get by dividing is multiplied by 100% to get the exact percentage difference.

Percentage Difference = [(difference of values) /(average of values)] x 100%

Example: If Martha sold 18 apples and Haphi sold 22 apples find the percentage difference.

  • First step is to find the difference of the values.

Difference of values = 22-18 = 4.

  • Then find the average of values.

Average of values = (22 + 18) / 2 = 20.

  • Now divide the difference of values by the average.

(Difference of values)/(average of values) = 4/20 = 0.2.

  • Now multiply the value with 100% and you will get the percentage difference.

                        Percentage difference = 0.2*100 = 20%.

So, 20% is the percentage difference.

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