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Premenstrual Syndrome – Symptoms, Causes, Measures, Treatment

Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a set of uneasy, debilitating and irritating symptoms that change some girls before their intervals. About 50 percent of women have problems with premenstrual syndrome.

Half of those endure really badly, rather a number so badly they need to take time off school or work. But just what is premenstrual syndrome?

What Are The Symptoms?

The symptoms that we connect with PMS change but contain anxiety, irritability, depression, headaches and an inability to focus. Additionally they contain breast tenderness, bloated ankles, palpitations, a change in sexual attraction, faintness, dizziness, changes in eating habits, an inability to get to sleep at nighttime, indigestion and either diarrhoea or constipation.

In addition:

All pressure-related illnesses – such as migraine, asthma and eczema – may get worse before

a menstrual period.

The effects of alcohol are worse just before a period, so a girl may find herself in a double bind: she drinks to alleviate her symptoms of PMS but the effects of drinking are considerably worse than normal.

The severity of symptoms may also change each month. Along with the symptoms already mentioned some women complain of bloating, weight gain, skin problems, mood swings and depression, aggression, tiredness, tearfulness, feeling irrational, problem with decision making

and the feeling of being misunderstood.

No girl experiences all of these symptoms and the most significant variable is their time. The symptoms are present at some time in the second half of the cycle. Afterward they vanish or significantly enhance either on the first day of your period or the day after the flow is most significant. You should subsequently be symptom-free.

NOTE: If you’ve got symptoms after these few days, it’s improbable that you’re suffering from PMS and you should see your physician so that a cause can be found and the proper treatment given.

Before attributing symptoms on PMS, it’s significant to verify that there’s a tie up between symptoms and menstrual cycle. The means to do this is to maintain a diary. Begin filling in a day-to-day graph demonstrating exactly when symptoms appear, when they get worse and when they go away. When symptoms don’t evaporate or improve after a span, they’re improbable to be anything to do with PMS.

What Causes PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome is currently broadly accepted as an actual medical condition that affects women during their fertile years.

It’s related to menstrual hormones and it can cause physical and emotional symptoms. There are more than 150 symptoms associated with PMS and the amount and kind change from person to person.

PMS generally increases in severity when there are alterations in hormone levels like after pregnancy, after a miscarriage or conclusion, when starting or stopping the contraceptive pill, or even sometimes after a hysterectomy.

If you’ve suffered from postnatal depression, You’re also more likely to suffer from PMS.

We used to believe that PMS was brought on by the deficiency of one of our sex hormones, progesterone, in the week prior to menstruation. But, actually, progesterone amounts are fairly high until just before a period begins. Our other sex hormone, oestrogen, nevertheless, is quite low seven days before menstruation and Specialists concur that it’s a deficit of oestrogen that causes symptoms of PMS.

PMS can get worse as we get old and after each infant. By the time I was in my 40s, PMS felt like a mini-menopause monthly and I feared having to do a TV show that week.

PMS occasionally appears to run in families, but a genetic connection hasn’t been created.

If you’re feeling competent to talk to other relatives about PMS, you may find they also endure and have found some treatment that’s helped them and may help you too.

PMS can cause a mess in families when a typically wonderful wife and mum becomes a shrew. All you need to do is warn your loved ones of your PMS and inquire to comprehend. Tell your kids earlier instead of later.

What Can I Do?

There are many theories about the best methods to treat PMS but here are several things you can test out.

Oil of evening primrose may bring relief.

If you retain fluid and swell up before a span (fluid occasionally accumulates in the breasts, occasionally around the midsection and occasionally around the ankles, hands, fingers and face), try limiting your salt consumption for a week to ten days before your period begins.

If your breasts swell and become particularly soft attempt experimenting with different bras until you locate one that’s cozy with lots of support; you may find it a help to wear a bra in bed, also, and you may want one a cup larger for your premenstrual week.

Don’t add salt at the table, cook with less salt (use seasonings for example pepper and garlic instead) and limitation salt-rich foods like hard cheese, ready meals, smoked bacon and fish, salted peanuts, chips, etc. Look at the labels to learn which other foods contain salt. The recommended limit for girls is 5g of salt daily.

Try cutting down on your own consumption of caffeine also (that means going easy on coffee, tea and cola beverages); there’s considered to be a connection between caffeine and menstrual cramps, breast tenderness and other symptoms. If you discover that cutting down on caffeine helps, do thus all the time – not only before a period.

Keep up your glucose levels by eating regular small meals rather than unusual big meals; some experts believe that low blood sugar levels can worsen irritability and aggressiveness.

If you have problems with constipation subsequently attempt a high-fibre diet by only raising your consumption of green vegetables, fresh fruit and wholemeal bread; or you’ll be able to attempt a teaspoon of psyllium husk each morning (you can get it from a health food shop).

Of the many over the counter treatments for PMS, aspirin and paracetamol are still the greatest

painkillers you’ll be able to purchase.

Many girls find exercise helps PMS, even if it’s just taking the dog for a walk. If you go to the gym often don’t give it up in the PMS week. Exercise like swimming and walking, deep breathing, and relaxation techniques can all be helpful in bringing relief from anxiety and sleeplessness. Herbs including black cohosh may help.

Serving with diet PMS

Attempt to eat LESS:

Saturated fat





Make an effort to eat MORE:

Starchy foods




Nuts and seeds

Bite thoughts

Bowl of unsweetened cereal (with low-fat milk).

Sandwich with low fat filling.

Fruit, low fat yoghurt or rice pudding.

A simple biscuit, as an example, digestive or rich tea.

Any of the following with a thin layer of spread: crispbread, crackers, rice cakes, oatcakes, bread, crumpets, teacakes, malt loaf of bread, scones or buns.


What’s The Treatment?


Not all girls need medical help with PMS and generally your symptoms will be adequately restrained by changes to diet and lifestyle.

There’s rather lots of signs a healthful diet narticularly one low in fat and high in long way to alleviating PMS.

What’s extremely helpful will be to eat starchy food every two to three hours to keep your blood- sugar level upwards. You can do it by having three main meals and three smaller bites each day* Eating this way is especially significant in the second half of your cycle when your PMS is likely to happen. On the face of it, it appears to be lots of food, but make an effort to eat little meals so you could handle the bites.

What Your Doctor Might Prescribe


Irrespective of what you read, there’s no signs that taking progestogen in whatever kind – not even progesterone cream – will help alleviate symptoms of PMS, and there might also be disagreeable side effects including breast tenderness, water retention and loss of sex drive.


Oestrogen is known to use a profound effect on mood and mental state. Quickly dropping amounts of oestrogen run parallel with PMS, postnatal depression and posunenopausal depression.

Doctors at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London have developed a treatment for PMS based on giving natural oestrogen by way of skin patches. This has the effect of suppressing ovulation and removing changes in the menstrual cycle. The patches are like tacky clingfilm and girls can swim, bathe or shower as usual. Oestrogen skin patches are among the few treatments proven scientifically to be exceptionally successful for PMS.


Until lately, I was against using tranquillizers and antidepressants for PMS, but a fresh generation of antidepressants has been developed called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), that will bring relief to some PMS sufferers. It’s worth discussing these with your physician.

Luckily, the new antidepressants, like fluoxetine and paroxetine, aren’t addictive. They work to raise levels of serotonin in the brain and restore mental equilibrium. Studies show that SSRIs work quicker in PMS than in depression (three weeks).

Breathing Techniques

The way you breathe is closely associated with the way you feel. If you’re mad or distressed, respiration is rapid, shallow and unusual.

When you’re quiet and relaxed, your breathing is slow and heavy. You can actively change the way you’re feeling by changing your breathing. Here are two methods to make yourself more serene.

Breath knowledge: shut your eyes and simply know about your breathing. You don’t need to alter your breathing at all, simply notice your breath as it flows in and outside.

Alternate nostril breathing: there’s a greater flow of air through one nostril than through the other. It’s possible for you to activate the relaxation response by obstructing the right nostril or by lying in your right side. This permits the right side of the brain to be connected with the relaxation reaction – to become dominant.


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